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Everything you need to know about tyre sealant for cars

Please remember that car tyre sealant spray, like other forms of puncture repair, is a temporary solution and is not recommended for driving long distances or at high speeds (above 80 km/h). The risk is that the tyre has been damaged during a run flat or at very low pressure before the sealant repairs the leak and restores pressure.

If your tyres are damaged, seek a professional opinion as soon as possible.

Here we take a look at everything you need to know about car tyre sealant spray, how to use it, what the benefits are, and how far and fast you can drive after using it.

What is car tyre sealant spray?

From driving over a nail to a surprise crack in the rubber, it’s easy to find yourself with an unexpected car tyre puncture. But other than replacing your tyre with a spare, did you know there’s an easy and immediate way to temporarily repair your puncture, with no tools required, so you can get back on the roads and make your way?

Tyre sealant, also known as tyre weld, is a popular emergency puncture repair solution, a spray to stop leaks that is often used by car manufacturers that now include it alongside or instead of a spare tyre.

You should also know that some tyre manufacturers offer tyres with pre-puncture sealant directly injected into the tyres, such as Michelin’s Selfseal technology. It fixes flats before they happen. It will automatically seal over the hole, preventing air leakage and maintaining pressure so you can continue driving.

Tyre sealant comes in a spray can that helps seal leaks in the tyre in case of a puncture. Car tyre sealant spray is designed to be used after a puncture has occurred. It is injected into the tyre through the valve, then once it has solidified, you can continue driving. However, after driving for a while, make sure to check the tyre pressure and if necessary, to bring it back to the prescribed level.

Who is tyre sealant spray useful to?

As one of the easiest and most affordable forms of emergency car puncture repair, this spray to stop leaks is a useful product for anyone to have in their car. It is a helpful temporary alternative if you don’t have a spare tyre to hand. It can help you move your car to a safer location after a flat tyre or go to the nearest garage for professional advice.

Where can you buy car tyre sealant spray?

The spray to seal leaks is extremely accessible and sold in a wide range of places, including at garages and online retailers.

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How do you use tyre sealant spray?

The spray to stop leaks usually comes in a pressurised aerosol can and is applied through the tyre valve. To use it, follow the instructions on the spray can as advised.

Although spray to seal leaks on tyres is usually simple to use, it’s important to find a safe place to do so. Park your car in a secure location away from traffic or other potential dangers and be sure to put high-visibility clothing on before installing your Emergency Warning Triangle to warn other drivers you are stationed on the roadside. Once the sealant has been added and cured, make sure to check your tyre pressure whenever possible

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How much tyre sealant should you use?

One can of sealant contains a single application and cannot be re-used. In order to obtain the correct pressure level, the aerosol must be completely emptied into the tyre to be repaired. In general, the anti-puncture fluid dries in the tube and makes the spray can unusable if it still contains a little fluid.

Make sure to replace your sealant after use in case you get caught out in the future and check the expiry date if it’s been a while since purchase.

How fast can you drive with tyre sealant?

A spray to seal leaks is only a temporary solution and should not be used for driving long distances or at high speeds above 80 km/h without checking your tyres with a professional beforehand.

Should I replace my tyre after using car tyre sealant?

It is recommended to have your tyre checked by a professional. It could potentially be damaged by running flat. The professional will be able to decide if the tyre needs to be replaced.

What other anti-puncture solutions are available?

The spray to stop leaks is one of numerous solutions for dealing with a punctured tyre. Here is a brief overview of some alternatives that are available:

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